Earthquake in Pakistan and Kashmir A natural disaster beyond count
We are requesting a donation from you for the people affected by the Floods. This donation is for an initiative to fund emergency relief and temporary rehabilitation efforts by local NGOs in the region.
Contributions may be sent to the Family Health Organization, Inc. a 501(c)(3) organization, which is dedicated to helping those affected by the earthquake. 100% of funds received will be disbursed to assist victims. Receipts will be mailed out to donors immediately upon receipt of contributions (Note: Donation is tax-deductible based on your individual/organization's tax status).
Mail your checks to: Family Health Organization, Inc. 2634 Crosby Road, Wayzata MN 55391
We urge you to be generous, as our intention is to get donations matched by wealthy individuals. As you know the situation is dire and it will likely be several years before the region will return to some normalcy. Reconstruction efforts at the earliest cannot begin until spring 2006 and temperatures are below 30 degrees and falling, contributing to a rapidly rising death toll. Please circulate this text request to colleagues, family and friends and ask them to make any contribution possible. The following pages have more info on the organization collecting funds in the US to disburse locally. The contributions should be tax deductible depending on your tax status.
We thank you in advance for your generosity and consideration.